BLESSING BOX  Our Blessing Box out at the street is a busy ministry. Not only do we keep it filled from food collections and monthly special offerings, but our community neighbors make deposits all the time. Those who need a meal simply drive up and take what they need. Using the Nextdoor app and Facebook, we assure that our community members know the location and what is offered.

MONTHLY COMMUNITY MEALS The 1st Saturday of each month at 6:00, we serve a free meal to our community. At least 40 people (sometimes many more!) share a good meal and great company. Free will offering is accepted to defray the cost of the meals, but there is no obligation whatsoever. 

SCHOOL LUNCH DEBT We work closely with Nathanael Greene Elementary School in many ways. One of those ways is paying off student lunch debts. We do this with special offerings and fundraisers.

CHRISTMAS DINNERS In December, we pack up and deliver a full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings for a couple of dozen families and deliver them to Nathanael Greene Elementary School, where they are distributed to support some of the students' families during the holiday break.



SCHOOL SUPPLIES Each fall, we have a school supply drive and deliver the supplies students need for learning - pens/pencils, paper, binders, backpacks - as well as supplies teachers request, like tissues, hand sanitizer, whiteboard markers, etc. Then, in the spring, we do it again because we know those supplies are running low.